Thursday, May 3, 2012

Seeing the World with Excitement

Watching my kids grow has been one of the most amazing experiences. My kids remind me of how special the little things in life are. It seems there is not an ant that goes unnoticed. One of Dominic's favorite things to do is find birds outside, and Ava could sit for an hour watching a worm creep around her bug box. Dandelions have become another exciting thing to find outside (especially the ones going to seed!) Mia and Ava race to pick them and love to have me watch as they blow the seeds around. Things that I find my self walking by everyday and giving no attention to are fascinating and new to these little minds. How often do we take time to really enjoy and appreciate the little things in life?For me, not often enough. I feel so blessed that this is something my kids can remind me of. Stopping to appreciate the gifts God has put in our lives makes a day that can very easily become bogged down with tasks even better.

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