Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A look at N and O!

Over the last couple of weeks we have been working on learning about the letters N and O. Our weekly schedule has been switched around the last couple of weeks for various meetings and commitments. Now, I am trying to play catch up with the blog! Scroll down to see some of the activities we have done with N and O. 

Letter N Week!

We brought back out our hammer and nail activity. It was a hit with Dominic. He spent a lot of time nailing pictures of objects that started with N to the foam board. 

Together we created a map of a neighborhood (because N is for neighborhood!) When it was finished I laminated it and taped it to the living room floor in our play area. Now the kids can bring out the Little People and their cars to play with it. Prior to this activity we took a walk in the neighborhood to find out what is in a neighborhood. 

Ava practiced tracing capital and lowercase N. We also worked on the numbers 13 and 14 this week. 

Ava practiced writing her whole name. 

Dominic had fun playing with the gems. he enjoyed scooping them and putting them in the muffin tins.

Ava played with the gems too, but she had a specific task to complete. Each muffin tin liner was labeled with the number 1-12. She needed to identify the number and add the correct number of gems to the muffin cup. 

 I gave Ava a large letter N. She used number stamps to decorate the inside of the N, (because N is for numbers!) cut the N out, and glued it on a different colored piece of paper. 

Working on numbers 13 and 14 in our Disney book. 

Matching upper and lower case letters using letter magnets. 
Letter O Week!

Here Ava is practicing writing her numbers 1-10

Our new Melissa and Doug number puzzles are lots of fun. Ava was given 7 mini puzzles to complete as one of her math activities. The puzzles go up to number 20. 
We talked about ovals as part of our letter O week. Really we just touched on ovals but did lots of activities using shapes. For our art project, Ava cut out lots of different shapes and created shape pictures.

Dominic experimented with the scissors some, but was much more interested in the glue. I gave him foam cutouts to glue on his paper while Ava worked on cutting out shapes and creating designs of hers. 

Keeping with the shape theme, Ava worked on creating pictures using pattern blocks. 
O is for oblick! This is super easy to make. Take 2 cups cornstarch and mix with 1 cup water. When the mixture is in a container it forms a solid. But, when picked up it turns back to a liquid. The kids had a lot of fun with this.  It is really messy, so I recommend doing this in an area that is easy to clean. If it wasn't winter we would have played with it outside.

O is for owl.  After reading a few different books about owls, we did a simple owl craft that I printed out from the blog Get 'Er Done Momma!  It was a great  activity to practice cutting skills. 

Pattern block shapes pictures are fun!
We are gearing up for letter P week here. I plan to do a whole week on the planets. Ava is convinced we should be learning about princesses since princesses starts with P too! I think she will find that the planets are pretty cool too, but I am sure we can weave in a few princess stories into our week too! 

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